The greatest homecoming of your heart and soul
A pilgrimage of your soul back into your body.
A prayer in motion.
A Dance of Devotion.
A 4 day immersive ceremony of remembrance, reunion and returning
yourself back to God source.
Alchemizing of your feminine & masculine polarities
Weaving of your waters and fire
harmonizing of your inner and outer world
As we restore the lost template of creation into oneness
while separation dissolves back to love
We journey into higher realms of consciousness with the support
0f our greatest teachers and allies marijuana and Psilocybin mushroom.
These medicines from the earth are alive, filled with secrets,
wisdom and are here to guide us.
To show us the truth of our own being,
share with us the beauty and interconnectedness of all existence,
lead us back home to the womb of the great mother,
And to write a new story of joy, freedom and embodied abundance
As we remember that we are the garden of eden and kingdom of heaven lies within us.
This is not a conventional retreat.
This is not a weekend of learning.
This is not a experience of the mind.
This is a decent into the void
And an ascent into Gods grace and glory.
Join us and become a living testimony of the power of Union.
The ancient future.

9th-10th-11-12th August, Qc. Sutton 11 spots. Super early bird 850$ (sold out) Early bird : 950$ (4 spots) Regular price : 1,111$ Shared room. All food include (vegetarian) Register to the event and you will receive the participation form and the link for paiement.

Meet Your Guides
Simran Rose is an earth shaman and medicine woman of the underworld. Guardian and keeper of the womb, protector of all that is sacred, Simmis passion and purpose are to be of service to the feminine rising and help women reclaim their bodies, their sexualities and their power through tantric practices and dance movement as we reawaken the earth body and its elemental wisdom. She holds sacred space as she mirrors you to your inner flame as a powerful creator and portal between worlds.
Krishna has been dedicated, since childhood, in his quest for Spirit. He journeyed through diverse paths, from the ancient Red Path rituals of North America - Inipi, Sun Dance, Vision Quest, and Chanunpa - to the healing embrace of entheogens in Mexico and South America. He studied and practiced Mahayana Buddhism and immersed himself in the transformative and profound practices of Yoga, enriching and unfolding his understanding of unity and transcendence. Today, as a dedicated practitioner and guide of the Yatra Yoga path, he guides transformative journeys, harmonizing body, heart, mind, and Soul guiding seekers towards Awakening, Self-Realization and Union.

Meet the Team
Our unique and amazing team for this journey is a dedicated group, united by a shared commitment to personal growth, collective well-being, and life changing experiences.


EMBODIMENT and SOMATIC MOVEMENT. A unique approach to the spiritual journey where the body, as a temple, is revered and honored. It is with play, empowerment, care, and openness that we guide you to feel into what your body has to reveal to you. Letting it speak, express itself, and welcoming all expressions of liberation and transformation to happen in the now. The body carries secrets, old stories, trauma, and our inner joy, innocence, and child self. By allowing the movement, the dance, and play to come alive, we restore balance and harmony with our temple, our heart, and our soul. Simran has become a master in knowing the body and heart connection. She opens this space with the allowance of its purity and beauty to be revealed to oneself and our relations.

AUTHENTIC WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE: We will guide you on this journey with all our gifts. Our teachings spring from a lifelong quest back to spirit and direct experience. The knowledge and space we offer come from many years of traveling around the world, learning, and sitting with masters from different cultures and backgrounds. The medicine we serve has been given to us after devoting our lives to this path, to God, and for the benefit of all our relations. We are here for you, nothing less, nothing more, as a flame that lights the way to self-discovery. In service, we guide you in the direction of the supreme and offer you the best tools we have received and developed.

WHOLENESS IN PRACTICE: In our sanctuary, we seamlessly bring together meditation, breathwork, yoga, mantra and embodied movement. This holistic approach nurtures body, mind, and soul, bringing you into harmonious alignment with your true nature and the Source.

NATURE CONNECTION: Engage in practices and participate in rituals that deepen your connection with nature, opening gateways to the vast, untamed realms within and around you. Immerse yourself in the natural world, where the boundaries between the self and the earth dissolve, and the extraordinary harmony of life becomes your new reality.

COMMUNITY AND FRIENDSHIP: A community of fellow spiritual explorer coming together to uplift to a new level of consciousness, connect and share experience with. Like mind people from diverse background to explore question and insight and enjoy the journey with joy, support and love.
Every path path requires specific tools and techniques for a successful journey. Understanding and mastering these essentials is game changer to navigate life's reality, dimension and passage.

Is our ceremony where we commune with the anointed medicine of Cannabis. Just as it has been sacredly used by Yogis for generations, as Jesus Christ himself has healed many with this medicine, and as the father of Krishna, White Eagle Feather, has worked with her, leading ceremonies in Quebec and Europe for more than twenty years before passing away, we are more than humble and honored to be in Her service, for your awakening and the restoration of the lost template of Christ light and codes of Union.
As we sit in a circle with the altar of our ancestors and allies, opening our voices, singing, and playing a symphony of devotion, we are all connected in vibration, creating a vortex of colourful light that show us the way to our true self. Our melodies rise like incense, emitting frequencies of love, carrying heart intentions and prayers to Spirit. We merge with cosmic grace, in the joy and surrender of sacred song for the Supreme.
As we open our hearts and surrender to Her, she reveals to us the ancient teachings for our new world to emerge from the ashes of purification, from the womb of the great mother of creation. Transcending fear and doubt into unconditional love, we rise into our higher selves with courage and faith in the One.

The Yogic key to Self Realization. Trough its essence, personality is transcend, one taste and see immortality and unite with the boundless universe. Soma is the elixir of non-death, the nectar of the Gods. It comes from the most ancient Yogic scripture, the Rig Veda, dating back around 5000 years. It has been lost and hidden for centuries, and we are now bringing it back to you, as the time has been chosen for us to come into Union.
This complex medicine involves a three-day process in the making, extracting in a special way, the active ingredients of Cannabis and Psilocybin mushrooms, and infusing them together with rose petals, Indian spices, sacred milk, and other ingredients. This elixir unifies the four main kingdoms of planet Earth: the animal kingdom, the bacterial, the plant, and the fungi.
As we drink it into our bodies, we come into Union with all of God's creation, receiving revelations about who we truly are and our purpose here. It is like no other medicine, as the master plant Cannabis, representing the feminine aspect of creation, is intertwined with the master fungi, representing the masculine aspect of this universe. This is where the Union of both polarities occurs, allowing the devoted to receive this alliance in the name of the supreme.
Let us return back to the heart and bones of the
earth and heal.
Let us open our hearts to the medicine of our
own melodies and ancient songs.
Let us be a divine reflection of beauty for one another.
Let us be guided back home ~ the place where we are already whole, complete and in union with all of life.

The Venue
Where you will be nested.
All our retreat ceremonies are held in beautiful space surrounded by nature. It is a primordial element for this journey as nature supports this process with grace and the caring of the cosmic mother. We intentionally choose locations on the earth grid where you feel a sense deep inner peace, relaxation of your body and for your nervous system to feel safe for this inner process.
Rooms are shared with either 2 or 3 people.
All meals are sourced locally & organically, vegetarian and made on site with love by a professional chef.

This is for all the souls desiring & ready to
Let go of the old stories, narratives, identities, attachments.
Heal & restore their relationship to God and what God means.
Safely journey with plant and fungi medicines in an intentional, supportive, and highly intimate environment with an experienced team of facilitators.
Open and receive the teachings of cannabis + medical mushrooms.
Explore and expand into their spiritual understanding beyond what they have been taught and know to be true.
Build a strong foundation of self trust, self knowing and self love.
Open their heart to deeper layers of love and profound sense of joy.
Feel a sense of belonging, community and connection with other likeminded souls devoted to truth and walking the path of Self-Growth.